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Nestle taking steps to merge Big Pharma and Big Food

The ever expanding food and pharmaceutical industries are finding ways to merge their efforts.  In January Nestle, the world’s largest food company, created a health science unit to begin its process of creating products that use nutrition as a non-prescription option to treat health issues.  Nestle has decided to try and merge industries by purchasing companies within the health industry.  The most recent purchase was Prometheus Laboratories, a company that specializes in diagnosing and producing drug treatments for gastrointestinal issues.  Nestle has produced certain nutritional products to help patients with similar gastrointestinal problems.  This merging of food into the health and pharmaceutical could be a stepping stone of the two industries converging to promote healthy eating as a preventative measure to disease, and possibly creating a nutritional treatment in the near future as an alternative to pharmaceutical treatment.  Click here to read more.